Think giving…announcing our UNA Conference charities for 2021

Selecting the charities for us all to support at the UNA Conference is no mean feat…we want our philanthropic efforts to be relevant, not only to our members but to our partners, stakeholders and our customers. It’s no secret that we are incredibly mindful of mental health and we bring this to the fore often. This year, we are taking our support of the mind to the next level, championing Insurance United Against Dementia, and Nordoff Robbins. So what are these charities all about? And why have we chosen them?
Introducing Insurance United Against Dementia #UAID
Insurance United Against Dementia does what it says on the tin…it’s an Alzheimer's Society movement created and led by volunteers from all across the insurance industry. Their aim…to raise £10m to fund vital research to take on the 21st century's biggest killer. Together with the movement, we know that hundreds of thousands of our customers, co-workers and colleagues are directly and indirectly affected by this remorseless condition that currently has no cure and very limited treatments
As well as being a powerful force to help protect people and society, the insurance industry is a major employer of thousands of talented, committed professionals – from Data Scientists to Claims Handlers, from Communications to Underwriting. Whether they are advising SMEs on Cyber Risk, or insuring whole countries against natural disaster, working together to tackle the world's trickiest problems is what we all do. IUAD channels that for good and that’s why we’ve chosen to support this charity for 2021.
There are a number of ways you can find out more about IUAD…
Introducing Nordoff Robbins Music Therapy Charity
Whatever their age and whatever the condition, Nordoff Robbins provides music therapy for people with life limiting conditions and illnesses. Every music therapy session at Nordoff Robbins is unique because every person is unique. Music evokes different reactions and responses in people and the therapists at Nordoff Robbins work with what a person can do, rather than focusing on what they can’t, tailoring sessions to help individuals reach their potential through music in the context of their lives.
In 1959 American composer and pianist Paul Nordoff and special education teacher Clive Robbins developed ‘therapy in music’ and this amazing charity was born. Today, Nordoff Robbins is the largest music therapy charity in the UK, helping thousands of people each year. The charity delivers services from thirteen centres nationwide, and they work in partnership with over 211 organisations.
You can find out more about the incredible work from Nordoff Robbins here.
Your choice of charities
Both incredibly worthwhile and relevant, these charities also have very personal links with UNA. Our old colleague, Simon Cooter, is a trustee of IUAD, and Nordoff Robbins is our Conference sponsor, Tyser’s charity of choice.
We look forward to supporting these charities together with you and learning even more about their work at the UNA Conference on 11 November.